Parent Portraits of Victims of Police Terror

Gary Hopkin's mother PG County Maryland

Alan Blueford's mother Oakland CA

Alonzo Smith's mom Washington DC

Nicholas Heyward Jr's dad New York, New York

Gloria Ferrell, Tracy Martin, Samaria Rice, Sylvia Palmer, Carol Gray

Ramarley Graham's mother Bronx New York

Malcolm Ferguson's mom Bronx New York

Mike Brown Jr's dad Ferguson MO

Dakota Bright's mom Chicago, IL

Dontre Hamilton's mom Milwaukee, WI

Mother on Dante Pomar, Queens NY

Burrell Ramsey's mom Dorchester, MA

Justice for Zo Signs featuring Beverly Smith

Wanda Johnson, mother of Oscar Grant, Oakland CA

Lezley McSpadden, mother of Mike Brown Ferguson MO

Akai Gurley's mom Brooklyn NY

Tamir Rice's mother, Cleveland OH

Jonathan Ferrell & Victor Steen's mothers

Washington DC

In an effort to recenter narratives around police terror toward the families impacted by racist & deadly police practices, since 2014 I've been painting portraits of parents whose children have been murdered by the police. This series will be complete when the police stop killing people. Until then I believe we must learn the true history of policing & collaborate in our communities to make the police obsolete.